Daily Word English (Page 97)


I READ : James 5:7-11 For a farmer to enjoy his harvest, he needs to start with plowing the soil, sow the seeds, spread the fertilizers and water his crops. Even upon completing this process, the seeds/crops do not just grow right away. The farmer has to wait patiently for the soil to prdouce the…


I READ : 1 John 4: 7-12 The law of the world is give and take. If you love me, then I will love you. If you do harm or break my heart, then I will not love you. It is very difficult for us to love others like how Jesus loves us unconditionally (Agape…


I READ : 2 Pet 3: 9-13 Nowadays, all types of information can be retrieved easily on the website. Matters that were considered unholy (taboo) in the past are now openly accepted. Because of these changes and many others, it’s necessary for us to have the extra ability to be Godly and holy. It means…


I READ : Luke 6:30-36 Currently where the price of goods are getting more expensive and life necessities are greater, many people fear shortage and only think of their own necessities. But as children of God who are obedient, we must dare to go against the flow of the world and keep practicing generosity just…


I READ : Hebrews 10:35-39 Perseverance is an ongoing effort to achieve specific objectives without easily giving up in achieving success. The opposite of perseverance is to easily give up, discouraged, pessimistic and easily think of failure. The diligent will keep trying despite facing many obstacles because he knows that what he does is right.…


I READ : 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 The word self control in Greek is En Kratos, which stands for “in” (En) and “power” (Kratos). Someone who has self control shows that he has power within himself that can eventually become stronger when he builds a close relationship with God. Having self control for a believer also…


I READ : Matthew 5 : 13-16 Different kinds of problem in our lives tend to turn us to be such selfish individuals. Meanwhile, the Word of God today reminds us to keep our light shining in the midst of this world’s wickedness. One of the ways people can see the light of Christ is…


I READ: Matthew 7: 1 – 5 It is human nature to canvass at the shortcomings and the faults of others. Often times our own personal assessment resulting in us of being judgmental. Even though we are not 100% certain of another person’s situation and condition but we are fast to snap judgment and quick…


I READ: Matthew 6: 25 – 34 Our concern for life often times make us “blind” towards other things. The more we focus on our own problems, the more we’re unable to see what the Lord is entrusting in our lives. We won’t have enough energy to do God’s work because our energy is already…


I READ: Matthew 5: 38 – 44 Jesus teaches us whoever slaps us on our right cheek, we should turn the other to him also. He also teaches us to love our enemies. Whoever persecutes us, we should also pray for him. Maybe we say, “Lord, it’s too difficult for me to do what you’re…