Posts by IBC Church (Page 249)


Ayat bacaan : Kolose 1 : 15 – 29 Ayat kunci : Kolose 1 : Karena seluruh kepenuhan Allah berkenan diam di dalam Dia. Di dalam kitab Kolose ini, Rasul Paulus terus membukakan mengenai pengetahuan tentang Kristus. Di dalam ayat 15-19, ia mengajarkan tentang keutamaan Kristus, bahwa Kristus adalah Tuhan dan Allah, Ialah yang menciptakan…


Daily Verses : Colossians 1 : 15 – 29 Key Verse : Colossians 1 : 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him In the book of Colossians, the Apostle Paul continued to open up about the knowledge of Christ. In verses 16-19, he teaches about the supremacy of Christ…


Ayat bacaan : Kolose 1 : 1-14 Ayat kunci : Kolose 1 : 10 : sehingga hidupmu layak di hadapan-Nya serta berkenan kepada-Nya dalam segala hal, dan kamu memberi buah dalam segala pekerjaan yang baik dan bertumbuh dalam pengetahuan yang benar tentang Allah. Minggu ini kita akan belajar tentang kitab Kolose. Kitab ini merupakan salah…


Daily Verses : Colossians 1 : 1-14 Key Verse : Colossians 1 : 10 : so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, This week we will learn from the Book of Colossians. This…


Daily Verses : Philippians 4 : 10-23 Key Verse : Philippians 4 : 19 : And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus truly loves us. While we live on this earth, He never leaves us to walk on our own and to…


Ayat bacaan : Filipi 4 : 10-23 Ayat kunci : Filipi 4 : 19 : Allahku akan memenuhi segala keperluanmu menurut kekayaan dan kemuliaan-Nya dalam Kristus Yesus Tuhan Yesus sangat mengasihi kita. Di dalam hidup kita di dunia ini Ia tidak membiarkan kita berjalan sendiri dan berjuang sendiri namun Ia memberikan kita kesanggupan untuk dapat…

Growing In Faith And Action

“Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?”  James 2:22 Apostle Paul reveals “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Those who hear the Word and respond by believing in the Word, have faith. In other words, faith is…


Daily Verses : Philippians 4 : 1-9 Key Verse : Philippians 4 : 4,6 : Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Paul reminded the church in Philippi to always be…


Ayat bacaan : Filipi 4 : 1-9 Ayat kunci : Filipi 4 : 4,6 : Bersukacitalah senantiasa dalam Tuhan! Sekali lagi kukatakan: Bersukacitalah! Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. Paulus mengingatkan jemaat di Filipi agar mereka tetap bersukacita dan…


Daily Verses : Philippians 3 Key Verse : Philippians 3 : 13-14 : … forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. As the church in the end times, Paul reminds…