Daily Verses: 1 Thessalonians 5 : 16-18, Proverbs 17 : 22

Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5 : 16 : Rejoice always

When we want to experience healing, both physical as well as everything else, we need to have a heart that always rejoices. The Word of God says a cheerful heart is good medicine. When we rejoice, we will be healed from any disease. For a person who is full of joy, it will be easy for him to give thanks. Joy and thanksgiving cannot be separated, which is why His Word from 1 Thessalonians 5 reminds us to rejoice and also give thanks. Don’t look at how big our problem is because it will be difficult for us to rejoice. Instead, look at how big our Jesus is, look at the miraculous works He has done in our lives. Believe that if the Lord has helped us in the past, He will also help us in the present time. He has promised to always be with us until the end of times, and it is our part is to rejoice. If He has been there for us in the past, then He is also there for us today and will help us again.

To rejoice is our choice, do we want to do it or not?

Daily Action:
I will learn to rejoice in all things. I will pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with His peace so that I can always rejoice.

Daily Declaration:
Proverbs 17 : 22 : A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Daily Prayer:
I will meditate on God’s love for me. I will meditate on the sacrifice Jesus did on the cross, and I will rejoice and give thanks because of it.