Mark 7:28:” And she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.”
Mark 7:24-30 tells a story of Syro-Phoenician woman whose daughter was demon-possessed. She came to Jesus so he can heal her daughter. In the beginning, it seemed like Jesus did not want to heal her. But because of the woman’s faith and humility, Jesus healed her – Mark 7:29 “Then He said to her, “For this saying go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.”
This woman had an amazing spiritual attitude. Even though she was oppressed and called a dog, she was not hurt and did not stop asking for the Lord’s compassion. She did not become bitter, angry or discouraged. Because of her faith and positive attitude, not only her daughter was healed, but also the Lord revealed to many people that her faith is not found among the Israelites.
Many of God’s children do not pass the test due to disappointment, anger, and discouragement. There are those who lose faith and they end up leaving the Lord. There are also those who stop praying and believing when their prayers are not answered or when their conditions worsen. This kind of attitude actually hinders the Lord’s help and miracle to come down.
As God’s children, we must have a good and positive spiritual attitude. In a bad and unpleasant situation, we must have a heart that is hopeful to the Lord – we must want Him more. Even though it seems like the Lord does not hear our prayers or care about our situation, let us continue to chase after Him and say: “Lord, I love you. I will never stop praising and worshipping Your name.” We keep saying this until the Lord looks to us and says, “I love You and I will answer all of your prayers and fulfill all of your needs.”
Psalm 73:26 says “My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” This verse shows that the author, Asaph, understands that even if everything has to be taken away from his life, he cannot ever lose the Lord. Can we also say the same? How valuable is the Lord in your life?
In our journey with the Lord, let us always remember the goodness of the Lord. Draw close to Him and make Him everything in our lives. Let us always have a good spiritual attitude so that the Lord is pleased, and other people may see that the Lord is within us. God bless.
hs/Publishing Team, IBC Church