Isaiah 6:8:” Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
The meaning of the word HINENI is HERE AM I. The book of Isaiah 6:4-8 tells a story of how the angel of God came to Isaiah and sanctified Isaiah’s mouth. As a result, Isaiah’s sin was forgiven and he was able to say to the Lord, “Here am I, send me.” Ever since that moment, Isaiah lived his life according to God’s calling.
Many of God’s children say to the Lord “Hineni, here am I, send me” with enthusiasm and excitement when their hearts were filled with the first love toward God. They are so faithful and obedient to do whatever the Lord wants, and they live their lives according God’s calling. God becomes first in the lives. But unfortunately, as time passes by and with becoming busier and having problems often, the word hineni starts to disappear. What is left is a life that is not according to God’s plan and calling, but instead a life that is according to one’s own desire and agenda.
In the end times, we must always introspect ourselves. Are our lives still in God’s calling, or has it shifted direction to something that pleases our fleshly desires more? Are we still faithful in doing what we believed was God’s calling for us? Or have we started to compromise and prioritize other things we think are more important?
If there is any of us who is lukewarm right now, who do not live in God’s calling anymore and even feel cold toward the Lord, let us ask for God’s fire to touch our hearts and lives again so that our sins are forgiven and every bad thing can come out from our lives. When our hearts and lives are clean, the glory of the Lord will come down. When His glory comes down, we will be able to come back to our destiny / calling.
Let the signs of the end times that are becoming more intense be a warning for us to not live according to human’s agenda, but the Lord’s agenda. We must ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance every day because the Holy Spirit will give us the sensitivity to discern which one comes from the Lord and which does not. The devil will continue to pull God’s children out of God’s plan over their lives. But those, whose lives are led by the Holy Spirit, will not be deceived by the evil one.
Let us be God’s children who always tell the Lord “Hineni: here am I, send me.” God bless.
hs/Publishing Team, IBC Church