Deuteronomy 6:24: “ that we might always prosper and be kept alive“
The verse above shows that God is the one who blesses us. Every effort will be in vain if it is not blessed by the Lord. We believe these days the Lord wants to restore the lives of His children and bless them double portion. Maybe there may be among us who asks, “Why have I not received the blessing God has promised? When will it happen?”
Often times the Lord delays the blessing because what happens after the blessing is received is more important in His eyes than the blessing itself. There are enough testimonies we hear about those who grow further away from the Lord after they receive abundant blessings. They have no more time to spend with the Lord because they are too busy managing the blessings they received. Their hearts are bounded to worldly wealth and the Lord is no longer important for them.
That is why the Lord must ensure that our character is mature enough to receive great blessings. God must also ensure that every gift, authority and whatever he entrusts, keeps us close to Him.
Why did the Lord let Abraham wait 30 years to have Isaac, Moses wait 40 years to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Joseph wait 17 years before he became second in command in Egypt, and David wait 13 years before he became king of Israel? The answer is because the Lord has to make sure the blessings they were about to receive will not make these chosen people boast on their honor and wealth and ultimately grow further from the Lord.
If you are waiting on the double portion blessing from the Lord, make sure that your heart and character are ready to receive that blessing. Make sure that when the blessing comes over your life, your heart continues to be close with the Lord and love Him even more. No less important, make sure to not only use the blessing for our own importance or personal needs, but also for the work of the Lord, others who are in need, and those who God sends in your life.
God’s timing to bless His children is never wrong. When the time comes, automatically the door of blessing will open. Let us keep asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the things we need to fix so that we are truly ready to receive everything that is good and abundant that comes from the Lord. God bless.
Source: Publishing Team, IBC Church