Daily Verses: Mark 5: 21-24, 35-43

Key Verse: Mark 5: 36b: … “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

There’s 1 characteristic that we can learn from Jairus, how he waited patiently for God to show His miracles even though others were already experiencing them first, Mark 5 : 25-34. Jairus was even first in asking Jesus to heal him and his daughter who was dying. Jesus was willing to go and heal his child, but in the middle of His journey, the woman who suffered from bleeding delayed Him and Jairus’ daughter died before Jesus reached their place. Yet, even after all of that, Jairus didn’t complain to Jesus for not putting him first. Jesus saw his heart and rose up his daughter from death.

Be patient and believe because our problems will SURELY be ended with miracles and victory.

Daily Action:
Today, if there are problems in my life that aren’t finished yet, I will strengthen my heart, be patient, and believe that God will definitely give me a miracle. I will declare God’s word so my heart will not be weak or shaken.

Daily Declaration:
Hebrews 6: 12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

Daily Prayer:
Today in our family prayer, we will lift up prayers of thanksgiving no matter what situation we’re going through. I will surrender all of our families’ problems into God’s hands.