I READ: John 14 : 25 – 31
Why do we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit? One of the many reasons is that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of joy (our spirit of joy). It will always give us joy, strengthen us, and redirect us into God’s path despite all the challenges we face. In addition, the Holy Spirit will provide us with the truth by opening our minds and our hearts so that we understand the Word of God. When we are filled with His Word, the Holy Spirit will remind us of His word when need it, so we can respond to the challenges we are facing positively. Also, so that we can respond to the challenges we face with wisdom and understanding through the Word. The role of the Holy Spirit is very important and that’s why we need to ask that we are always filled with the Holy Spirit.
I DECLARE: John 14 : 16-17 : And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever…
I DO: What action will I take today after meditating on the Word of God?
I PRAY: Pray as guided by the Holy Spirit.