Daily Verses : John 3 : 25 – 30, Acts 5 : 31
Key Verse : Acts 5 : 31 :
Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. — He is exalted!
When we make Jesus the center of our life, then we need to allow Him to be greater in our life and for us to be smaller. He needs to always be exalted in our life (He is exalted). May God’s glory be more present in our life. Everyone around us will be able to see God’s glory and will feel and be blessed by it from our life. When people can see Jesus in our life, if they don’t know Him yet they can be pulled into knowing Him. Our life becomes a testimony for the world. The words and mind of Christ should fill our heart and mind. The peace of Christ will always rule our heart and mind, so that everyone around us can always feel that peace. If Christ is greater then we will automatically be smaller, our ego will shrink, along with our pride. We will be more generous and humble.
Make Jesus BIG in our lives and we will be amazed and see BIG things happening in our lives.
Daily Action :
I will pray, worship, and lift God up through my prayer, worship, and daily declaration.
Daily Declaration :
John 3 : 30 : He must increase, but I must decrease.
Daily Declaration :
I will pray more in the Spirit and ask the Holy Spirit to fill my life again.