Daily Verses: Luke 2: 1-16

Key Verse: Luke 2: 14:“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!“

This is the week of Christmas and this is when we commemorate Jesus’ birth in this world. His birth has brought a great impact for the people of this world and it has continuously made a great impact until today and will continue until His second coming. His birth has brought great glory and peace to this earth. Through His birth, death, and resurrection, the people of this world were saved from their sins, punishments, eternal life in hell, curses, disasters, and illnesses. He has borne all of those bad things for us on the cross. For those who believe in Him, He will turn those bad things into blessings, eternal life in Heaven, health, protection, and all other good things. In the week of Christmas, receive Him as your Lord and Savior. Start believing in the work of the Cross and start receiving all of the blessings that have been provided to us in faith. Experience God’s glory in your life!

Jesus’ birth brought great glory for the people of this world. In the week of Christmas, experience God’s glory in your life.

Daily Action:
I will pray starting today and throughout this week so that I can experience God’s glory, touch, His presence, and His great anointing in my life.

Daily Declaration:
Habakkuk 2: 14 : For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Daily Prayer:
I will continuously do an intercessory prayer for the people in my VIP list. When I pray, I will also put my hands over their names so that they will be touched by God.