Daily Verses: Jeremiah 29: 11 – 14

Key Verse: Jeremiah 29: 11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In this new year, God once again gives us His amazing promises, that our future is full of hope and peace. God’s plan is always good for us. Destructive plans are never from God, but from the devil. Yet, these days we do not need to fear because God will not let the devil carry out those plans. If the devil wants to do something evil to us, God will turn it around and make it good, Romans 8: 28. If the devil wants to give us impossible tasks in our lives, God will change it to be possible. For God, there is nothing that is impossible; even the dead He can bring back to life. When the devil says we can’t, Jesus says we can. Don’t ever worry or fear.

Your future is there, is beautiful, and is wonderful. Keep hoping in Him.

Daily Action:
Anything that God asks me to offer to Him (worship, offering money, praise, etc) at church, I will offer with a joyful heart because He has loved me so much.

Daily Declaration:
Romans 8: 28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Daily Prayer:
I will pray and worship God, and let His presence and anointing satisfy my heart today.