Roma 12:12 : “Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer”.
There is a stanza of the song that says “Your promise like the morning dawn, which never too late to shine; Your love like a river flowing, and I know how deep Your love is”. Yes, God promise is always met; the promises will be published / fulfilled in a timely manner such as the rising dawn every morning and will never be late.
There are thousands of God’s promises in the Bible that we believe God has given to us. But in fact, God has a special promise for every person. Currently if you are in a struggle or are still waiting for answers to prayer, God will provide answers specifically for the struggles and prayers.
The answer that God has given specifically to us will constitute the word of God that become a rhema in our hearts and will be a special promise from God that we must continue to hold; we must continue to declare and must continue to trust.
Waiting for the fulfillment of the promises of God requires patience and faith. Keep praying and keep believing that the promise would happen regardless of the unchanging experienced that contrary to the promises of God. The Word of God says “rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation and persevere in prayer”.
God gave the promise to Abraham that he would become the father of many nations. Abraham continued to believe in the promise even though he’s getting old in age and there are no signs that he would become a father. Because of Abraham’s unwavering faith, God’s promise was fulfilled 10 years after the promise was made.
God said that David that he would become king of Israel. God’s will is not immediately happen. It can take many years and after going through struggles in life where David finally became king of Israel. During the waiting period, David never doubted God’s promise and never complains and wonders why he has not become the king of Israel. He remained faithful to give thanks and to praise God in difficult & happy circumstances. In time, the promotion of the Lord come and David become king of Israel.
Brethren, how long have you wait for the promise of God? Do not be despair, do not hear the devil’s intimidation who whisper negative thoughts but continue to declare that this year is the year of grace and favor of God for your life and the year where you will experience great things.
Publishing Team, IBC Church