Daily Verses : John 17 : 20-26, Acts 1 : 14

Key Verse : John 17 : 22 : And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one

As children of God, we need to be unified in the harvest that will happen in this nation. We cannot work at it alone, since this is a great undertaking. But how can we be united? The Word of God, in John says that the glory of God allows us to be united. If we use our own strength, we are unable to unite, but when we experience God’s glory, we will love Him and will be able to set aside all of our pride and unite. In the end times, God’s promise to His church is that His glory will return to His church. The purpose of this is so His church may unite. God’s glory also refers to His love. John 17 : 26 says that God’s glory, in His love enables His church to unite. God’s love allows us to joyfully accept one another. God’s love covers a multitude of sin and weakness, so that we no longer have to focus on the weaknesses of others, 1 Peter 4 : 8. As the church of God, let us start to unite. We can do this by praying together at the prayer tower, so that a harvest can happen in this nation. God’s glory and love will be poured out at the prayer tower, drawing us closer to one another.

Trying to unite with your own strength will not last long. Ask for God’s love and glory to be poured out, so the unity we experience is eternal.

Daily Action :
Today I will start to do good to others that are on my VIP prayer list and if the Lord gives me the opportunity, I will testify to them.

Daily Declaration :
Acts 1 : 14 : These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

Daily Prayer :
I will pray with my friends at L.I.G.H.T and start to practice prophetic prayer and together, we will pray for America.