I READ : John 11 : 1-17 ; 32-35

In our lives, we often have to face issues and struggles. The way we respond to those challenges varies, but too often we are easily disappointed and discouraged because the help that we seek does not come in the time that we have desired. We tend to believe and expect that the answer to our prayers and longing for God’s help should come immediately when we think we need Him most. But our time is not His time (God’s perfect timing). More often than not, His answer to our prayers and request is to simply: wait. God’s timing is never too late. Although it seems like Jesus arrived four days after Lazarus’ death, His promise was tested, Jesus resurrected Lazarus and a miracle happened.

I DECLARE : Psalm 12 : 6 : The words of the Lord are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times.

I DO : What actions will I take today after meditating on the Word of God?

I PRAY : Pray as guided by the Holy Spirit.