Daily Verses : Matthew 28 : 18-20, Isaiah 6 : 8-9

Key Verse: Matthew 28 : 19a : Go therefore…

Today we will learn about the great commision and evangelism. Before Jesus went up to heaven, he gave a very important message to His disciples, it doesn’t apply to His disciples only but this message also applies to us, His disciples during the end time. The message can be found in Matthew 28:19-20 and it is to GO. God longs for all of us to evangelize and harvest souls for Him. In the end, these souls should believe in Jesus. Do not be afraid because God is always with us according to Matthew 28:20. The Holy Spirit will anoint and give us the wisdom and power to testify and evangelize. The great commision is God’s first commandment and because this is His commandment, we have to take it seriously. This is not a choice but it’s a must for God’s children. This is a calling for His children. Let us start evangelizing and winning souls for God as long as we live in this world.

The time is near and Jesus is coming soon. Go with boldness to testify to the nations about His love and grace.

Daily Action :
I will pray so that the Holy Spirit can give me the boldness to testify even though I have to go out of my comfort zone. This might be something that I do not normally do but I will do it.

Daily Declaration :
Isaiah 6 : 8-9 :“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:“Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?”Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”And He said, “Go, and tell this people:..”

Daily Prayer
I will enter into prayer fasting and spiritual warfare for my school, office and family. I will also pray in the Spirit and declare the Word of God for my school, office, and family.