I READ: Ephesians 6:10-12, Matthew 6:9-13
Just how the Lord Jesus has His own Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Heaven, the devil also has his own kingdom. When we declare for God’s Kingdom to come, Matthew 6:10, we are defeating the kingdom of the devil. When we pray, praise, and worship the Lord, we are building a throne for God and His Kingdom so that He can reign in our lives, Psalm 22:4. His presence will fill the place where we are praying at and all of the evil spirit will be cast out of that place. The result is, wherever we may pray, whether it be at home, in our neighbor’s home, in school, at work, or in a specific country, there will be a transformation in all aspects. There will be revivals, harvest of souls, peace, and economic improvement.
I DECLARE: Psalm 22:3 – But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.
I DO: What action will I take today after meditating the Word of God?
I PRAY: Pray as guided by the Holy Spirit.