Daily Verses : Matthew 6 : 33, 2 Timothy 2 : 6

Key Verse : 2 Timothy 2 : 6 : The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops

The calling of God for His churches in America is big because we will be involved in the harvest of souls in this nation. Let us strengthen our heart and believe that with His grace we can do this together. Do not look at how big the task is but see it as a responsibility and an opportunity that God has trusted us with. God has chosen us to work with Him. It is true that there will be sacrifices needed from us however these sacrifices are our sacrifice of praise for God and they will please God’s heart. God has prepared the wage for us, which can be found in Matthew 6:33. According to Matthew 6:33, God will add all of the things that we need in abundance. We’re like a farmer who sows the seed through his/her hard work and like His Word from 2 Timothy 2:6, we will also partake the crops first. Let us start harvesting in this nation by praying for this nation in the prayer tower and for the harvest of souls in this nation.

Work for His Kingdom with joy for there will be a ‘reward’ that awaits us.

Daily Action :
I will learn to put God first in every aspect of my life. I believe that God will take care all of my needs.

Daily Declaration :
Matthew 6 : 33 : But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Daily Prayer :
I will pray and ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit of compassion so that I can do an intercessory prayer diligently for the people in my VIP list.