I READ:  I Corinthians 15:24-28

Mary’s favorite place was at the feet of Jesus because that was where she was able to listen to God and was able to tell Him whatever was in her heart.  During her time of mourning of losing her brother, Lazarus, she poured out her heart by His feet.  When she wanted to give, she poured out the oil of spikenard at the feet of Jesus.  The Word of God says that everything has been conquered at the feet of Jesus.  In other words, there is nothing greater or higher than Jesus Christ.  God becomes everything and He is all in all.   Today, before we continue with the day, take time at the feet of Jesus.  Place God to be everything and in everything and we can be sure that we’ll be victorious.

I DECLARE: Ephesians 1:22 – And He put all things under His feet…

I DO: What action am I going to take after meditating on the Word of God?

I PRAY: Pray as guided by the Holy Spirit.