I READ: Revelation 2: 1-7

We believe that we are the church that is living in the end times. In the book of Revelation, there are 7 kinds of churches that live in the end times and one of them is the church in Ephesus. This church is very diligent and persevering. They are also very careful with the teachings that are against the Word of God which try to enter the church. However, the Lord still warned them because they have left their first love with the Lord. It turns out that even though the church in Ephesus did all the Lord’s work with diligence and perseverance, everything has become a routine and obligation. They did everything without a spirit that burns from their love for the Lord. From this reading, we learn that our first love with the Lord must be revived again. This love appeared when we first received Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It was when our lives totally changed. We experienced a new excitement in walking in this life journey because we know for sure that there is someone that truly loves us. God reminded the church in Ephesus to repent and do what they did for the Lord the first time. The Lord’s work, prayer lifestyle, reading the Word, and worship must be done because of our love for the Lord, not as an obligation for the children of God.

I DECLARE : John 2: 17: … “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.”

I DO: I will do what I did to the Lord the first time I repented.

I PRAY: I will pray with my family and ask the Lord to pour out His anointing of love so we can love the Lord with our first love.