Daily Verses : Philippians 2:5, Philippians 4:8.

Key Verse: Filipi 2:5: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus“.

Humans were created according to God’s image but sin ruined that image. When a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the ruined image will be restored. That person will be known as a born-again Christian. After being reborn, there’s a long process to restore the bad characteristics and mind that is full of sin according to the way God wants them to be. One has to have a relationship with the Lord in order to be restored. Having a relationship with the Lord means reading the Word, praying, praising, worshipping, and chatting with the Lord often. By doing so, God will enable you to feel and know His will for your life. As the world is getting more evil, it is important that we live according to the guidance and will of God. If we do so, we will be saved from a lot of hardships.

To be the salt and light of this world, we need to have the mindset and feeling of Christ.

Daily Action:
Even if I’m going through a bad situation, I will think positively.

Daily Declaration :
Colossians 3:2: Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Daily Prayer:
Lord, use Your church in this nation to be an agent of restoration.