Daily Verses : Revelation 4 : 1-11, John 3 : 30
Key Verse : Revelation 4 : 2 : Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.
The Lord will bring His children to be more serious with Him these days. They will be very ‘radical’ for the Lord, not compromising and always place Jesus as the center of their lives. Jesus is always the one who is the king and reigns over their lives, Rev 4 : 2,10. Every decision in their lives, even their plans, always go according to the Lord’s will and plan. They always magnify and glorify the Lord in their lives and do not steal the Lord’s glory at all. They are aware that they have to become smaller so that the Lord is lifted high in their lives. In everything in their lives, Jesus is always the center. A radical generation, that is holy, earnest and bold to stand for the Lord will be born these days. They do not think about themselves, but what is on their minds is always the Kingdom of God.
It’s time to make Jesus as the center of all our lives because He is coming soon.
Daily Action :
I will pray and ask the Holy Spirit to always remind to make Jesus as the center of my life.
Daily Declaration :
John 3 : 30 : He must increase, but I must decrease.
Daily Prayer :
I will pray in the prayer tower and pray for America.