Daily Verses : John 10 : 10, Psalm 23

Key Verse : John 10 : 10 : The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

It is not only our physical bodies that need healing, but also our souls, our spirituality, our finances, our families, our future, and our relationships with others which also need healing. The passage we read today says that Jesus came to bring life in abundance. Goodness and mercy will follow us wherever we go. This means that in every aspect of our lives, we will experience God’s goodness and mercy. Restoration will occur throughout our entire lives. For us who believe in Jesus, all of these blessings become our portion. Do not allow yourself to be tricked by the devil, and do not listen to his charges and allegations against you. Do not be deceived, for the devil comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Do not open the door of your life one bit to allow him to enter and mess everything up. Allow Jesus to rule in our hearts and minds entirely. Cast out the devil from your life with Christ’s power, and he will no longer be able to touch our lives anymore.

Do not believe in the tricks of the devil, but trust fully in every word of our Lord Jesus.

Daily Action:
Today I will pray and cast out every trick and accusations of the devil that try to enter into my mind. I will pray that Jesus will rule in my heart and mind entirely.

Daily Declaration:
Psalm 23 : 6 : Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Daily Prayer:
Today I will pray with my family for our VIP List.