Daily Verses: Revelation 22: 6-12

Key Verse: Revelation 22: 7: “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.”

In celebrating Christmas, we are not only remembering Christ’s birth, but we are also remembering the promise of His second coming. Jesus will come soon, not as a baby, but as the Great Judge. For those who will have kept their faith until the end, they will enter into the Eternal Kingdom which is of Jesus Christ himself, as it is written in 2 Peter 1:11, “and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” This year Christmas let it be a reminder for us to be prepare ourselves even more in welcoming the Jesus in His second coming. Jesus will come to take His bride, which is the Church that is mature and blameless, the ones that follow His will, love Him, and keep guard. Just like the 5 wise virgins whose lamps were still lit when Jesus came, so will be His Church that He loves when we await for His second coming.

Christmas means Jesus is coming soon! Prepare yourselves, God’s church.

Daily Action:
Let God’s message today become a reminder for me to start preparing myself even more in waiting for his second coming and to be more serious with Him.

Daily Declaration:
Revelation 3: 11: I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.

Daily Prayer:
I will prayer-fast and prayer-walk around my school, workplace, and neighborhood until there is united prayer, which is where prayer groups will form.