Daily Verses: Matthew 24:1-14.
Key Verse: Revelation 2:10b:”Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life..”.
We are now living in the evil days because the devil is working with maximum capacity to bring as many people as he can to hell. The devil also constantly looks for an opportunity to attack the lives of God’s children, and cause them to be discouraged, bitter, oppressed, busy with life matters, and eventually lose their first love and leave the Lord. As we look at what the devil is doing, what we must do is to be watchful and put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Cling to the Lord and don’t let anyone take away the Crown He has prepared for us. This is the time for us to show the world that we are God’s children who are obedient, strong and unaffected with the shakings that are happening. If we are faithful and love the Lord, then Psalm 91 will be our part. At the end of our lives, let us hear the Lord say “Well done, my faithful servant, you have finished the race well.”
Those who cling to the Lord will be spared from many troubles and disasters.
Daily Action:
I want my life to be led by the Holy Spirit so I can be obedient until the end.
Daily Declaration:
Matthew 24:13:”But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
Daily Prayer:
I pray that America will return to their first love in the Lord, so they can be spared from many troubles.