Daily Verses : Isaiah 54 : 2 – 4.

Key Verse : Isaiah 54 : 2 : “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.

How can we affirm the Lord’s calling in our lives? One way is by enlarging our life’s capacity. These days, we need to multiply the things God has trusted us with in our lives, such as talents/gifts, riches, intelligence. The Lord reminds us not to spare, or in other words, not to be frugal/calculative with the Lord. He gave us His life without being frugal/calculative toward us. Give back all of the things the Lord has trusted us with by multiplying them and using them to fulfill His calling in our lives. These days, let us be more diligent in serving the Lord, sow more and evangelize the souls. Give more time for God and for the harvest of souls. Don’t live only for ourselves, just to satisfy our own needs and please ourselves. But, let us start giving our lives for the souls, ministry and to fulfill our calling. Run for the Lord and don’t focus on ourselves. The time is short, Jesus is coming soon!

Enlarge our capacity to be used by the Lord and multiply what He has trusted us with, then our lives will be meaningful and full of passion.

Daily Action :
I will pray with my Family Altar friends in groups and pray prophetically with one another.

Daily Declaration :
2 Peter 1 : 10 : Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble.

Daily Prayer :
I will pray with my family today so that our family can be used more by the Lord in His calling for us.