Daily Verses : Ephesians 4:1-6
Key Verse : Ephesians 4:1 : I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called
The lives of God’s children have to be in accordance with the Lord’s calling. One of the general calling for all God’s children is to be salt and light (Mark 9:50, Matthew 5:16). The use of salt is to turn something tasteless to have flavor and light is used to turn something dark to shine; this implies that a life that becomes salt and light is a life that gives positive change and impact. These things could only happen if we have Christ-like characters. Our family, surrounding and the world around us are paying close attention to our lives as children of God. They need a role model, and we need to be truly determined to be a good one. God’s Word we read routinely, sermons we hear, our personal time with the Lord and various life processes, we must allow these things to change us so that Christ’ characters can be reflected more through our lives.
Humble yourself and allow God to mold you so that Christ’ characters may be revealed even more in your life.
Daily Action :
I want to be a person who is humble, gentle, patient, have self control, able to live in unity with others so that I can be salt and light for my surroundings.
Daily Declaration :
Matthew 5:16 : Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Daily Prayer :
Today I will pray together with my family in unity and pray for our family’s prayer topics