Victory With The Lord

Romans 8:37:”Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

 It is the will of God for us to live victoriously as His children. Assuredly, it is not only His will but it is everyone’s desire as well. But, what does it mean to live victoriously?

There are three important elements in living victoriously. First, every believer must be aware that God’s love brings victory. This love has redeemed us from eternal death to eternal life. God’s love is also the one that protects us daily, guides us and blesses our lives. Even when we fall into sin, His love always forgives and gives us an opportunity to change.

The second is the victory in defeating the devil. In reality, our enemies are not people, but ourselves and the devil. Other people may be used by the devil to be our enemy; others may also be used by the Lord to mature our character and attitude. The Lord wants us to deal with ourselves and reach a point where we can be victorious over our bad characters.

When we realize that our enemy is not people but ourselves and the devil, we will “fight” the right way. We will not attack others who attack us, but we can control our emotions well and practice the truth of God’s Word to handle those people. Because we know that there is involvement of the devil that uses others to “go against” us, we must use the full armor of God to overcome the devil’s intimidation. The result will be that the relationship between believers is well-maintained and we can overcome any problems victoriously.

The third element is a perfect victory. The meaning of perfect victory is the ability to overcome every problem and failure, as well as not falling in the same place over and over again. For example, there are believers who have a habit of lying and promise to never lie again. After that promise is made, they still continue to lie. But when they truly have the willingness to change, with the help of the Holy Spirit, they will reach a point where they no longer lie. That is a perfect victory.

Let us go through our days fully with the perfect victory. God bless.

Source: hs/Publishing Team, IBC Church