Expansion of The Kingdom of Heaven

Philippians 2:8: “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.”

Alexander the Great is known to be the most genius military and ruler throughout the history.   During the 13 years of war until the end of his life, he was never defeated. He succeeded in building his empire that covered 3 continents. History writes that many of the world leaders, like Alexander the Great, such as Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Hitler, and Lenin succeeded in expanding, but most of them did it with violence (war, killings and etc).

However, there is someone who expanded his kingdom without violence and war, his name is the Lord Jesus. He expanded the kingdom of heaven with the kingdom of heaven ways. His mission is to conquer the earth that has fallen into sin with love. Jesus came to earth, humbled himself, sacrificed himself to die on the cross. He showed an example of righteousness and how we should truly live as citizens of the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus conquered the world differently than how others conquered colonized areas. Jesus “served first” with love that sacrifices. Mark 10:43-44: Yet it shall not be so among you, but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be the slave of all.

During His time on earth, Jesus expanded the kingdom of heaven by starting it with a small group – His 12 disciples. He taught them the principles of God’s kingdom and how to serve one another. This small group increased in numbers. Wherever Jesus goes and teaches, many people would follow. There is love in Jesus that attracted His increasing followers. They saw how Jesus’ life was filled with the ministry, healing the sick, casting out demons, forgiving sinners and giving food to many.

 His expansion of the kingdom of heaven reached its peak when He died on the cross. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” the door of salvation for every mankind was opened. Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Let us love one another as God’s children and have the servant’s heart to serve one another so that we can bring many souls to the Lord, and the expansion of the kingdom of heaven continues to take place until Jesus returns. Amen.

Source: Publishing Team, IBC Church