Be Still In His Presence

Psalm 46: 11a: Be still and know that I am God …

In the midst of the world that is increasingly filled with busyness whether we can still take the time to stay calm, pray and enjoy His presence?

Sometimes we are so absorbed with our busyness every day, often we feel 24 hours a day is not enough to solve all our busyness, so that we are reluctant to set aside time we have to sit still and wait upon the Lord. Whereas the word of God says that in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

At the time we stay in His presence and wait upon the Lord, He will bestow us new strength, which we need to go through our days that full of bustle.

By staying calm in His presence besides giving us new strength, He will also strengthen our faith of believing. There is a beautiful story in the bible that tells how Jesus taught His disciples to remain calm and trust in the midst of a storm that they were experienced at the time they were in the boat. To strengthen the faith of His disciples at that time, he took one of His disciples in that boat, Peter to walk together with Him in the midst of the storm.

We often like Jesus’ disciples who drowned in our confusion and panic in the midst of the storm of life we experience. We forget to stay calm and sit at His foot ask for wisdom to deal with the entire storm that is happening. We are more likely to immediately find a way out by taking our own power, or seek help of others, etc..

Brethren, Jesus is the answer to every struggle we face. By staying calm and seek His face, we will find real answers and courage and faith in facing all the struggles of our lives.

Let today’s devotion, remind us again of our times of fellowship with God. Spend more time stay and wait upon the Lord. Spend more time in prayer, worshipping the Lord and meditate on His Word. We will experience a new outpouring of power and strength of our faith.

Halleluiah, praise God who always loves us and equip us with His grace that is never-ending. Amen!

Publishing Team – IBC Church


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