Daily Verses: Matthew 28 : 18-20, Romans 6 : 1-8.
Key verse : Matthew 28 : 19 : Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Souls that have just experienced a new birth and have received Jesus as their Savior, before they continue on their spiritual journey, need to have a water baptism. Why? We need to confirm what we believe in and do a prophetic act. If we believe in Jesus, we need to confirm it with a water baptism. We need to proclaim to the world that we are Christ’s followers. A water baptism also symbolizes new life in Christ. When we are baptized, we will have a new way of living, different from our old lives full of sin. When we are baptized, we will put to death all of our old ways of living along with Christ’s death. Then, we will be resurrected together with Christ’s resurrection and experience a new life in Christ. By us being water baptized, our old human selves that were full of sin will be crucified eliminating the power that sin has over our lives, and the devil will no longer be able to make us slaves to sin. We will no longer be bound to our sins. Every time we make a mistake and then ask God for forgiveness, God will forgive us, and sin will no longer be able to control our lives.
A water baptism is our proclamation to this world that we are followers of Christ and that the devil cannot control us anymore with sin.
Daily Action :
If I haven’t been water baptized, then I will talk to the church coordinator and schedule a water baptism.
Daily Declaration :
Romans 6 : 6 : For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.
Daily Prayer :
I will start to practice prayer walking for my workplace, school, neighborhood, etc.