I READ: Psalm 23.
One of the characteristics of a good shepherd is that he is always watchful to protect his sheep from the attacks of wild animals, leading his sheep to still waters and green pastures. A shepherd knows his sheep well, and this is the same with the Lord Jesus. He is our good Shepherd. When we sleep soundly, He continues to watch over us and protect us from any disaster or danger. He always gives us the blessings we need. When we are in the “valley” of shadow, He is always with us and brings us out safely. The Lord Jesus will always protect us from the enemy’s attack. A sheep that walks closely with his shepherd will easily recognize his shepherd’s voice, and he will not follow any other voices. As the Lord’s sheep, we must be able to hear our Shepherd’s voice so that our lives will not be led by other voices. Our lives will be peaceful and secured when we always walk with our Shepherd and listen to His voice and command.
I DECLARE: Isaiah 40:11:” He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young.”
I DO: I want to be closer to the Lord Jesus because only with Him, I am protected from all kinds of evil.
I PRAY: I pray so that churches in America can be pastored according to biblical principles and live in the fear of the Lord and honor Him.