Daily Verses : Psalm 128

Key Verse : Psalm 128 : 3 : Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.

The divorce rate is very high in this nation. For every 2 marriages, one of them will end in a divorce. We can kind of assume what the coming generation will be like if they come from “broken home” families. Their spiritual foundation will be crumpled. They will be raised up with a heart that’s full of hatred and disappointment. A lot of them will fall into the sins of sex before marriage, adultery, and pornography because they never had good role model of how to have a holy husband and wife relationship in God’s eyes. The rate of violence and crimes will also rise. They will also be the ones who will raise the next generation, who will also be raised in “broken homes,” and then the cycle will repeat itself. We need to pray for the families in America and battle the devil’s work on them. We need to declare God’s word, that the heads of households/fathers will have the fear of God as it says in Psalm 128, so that families will be blessed by God and live together happily.

Restored families will bring this nation to a great revival.

Daily Action :
Today I will increase my intimacy with God and pray at the prayer tower for the restoration of families in America.

Daily Declaration :
Psalm 128 : 4 : Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord.

Daily Prayer :
I will pray with my family for the upcoming election and also meditate together and declare God’s word.