I READ: Job 1
Job is an example of a person who always kept his heart pure; to continue to please Abba Father in Heaven. Job was known as blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil. Job always offered burnt offerings to God to sanctify his children in case they have sinned against the Lord. God restored exponentially what the devil had stolen from Job because of his pure heart. This indicates how important the state of our heart is in the eye of God. Why? Because a good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. Inspect our heart daily and repent from things that displeased the Lord. Unity will transpire if everyone can guard their heart.
I DECLARE: 1 Samuel 16:7b – For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
I DO : What action am I going to take after meditating on the Word of God?
I PRAY : Pray as guided by the Holy Spirit.